Sunday 15 May 2011

Comic Book

I have loved comic books ever since my brother got me into them.  I collected Marvel comics since I was young and after taking a few years away I am grateful for the comic book shop Cape & Cowl for opening and bringing me back fully to the world of super heroes.  I obviously picked up Marvel at first but have taken to picking up random issues of DC comics and a few graphic novels that I wouldn’t have normally looked at.
Back in the day I loved my X-Men, Scott Lobdell, Peter David and Warren Ellis where at the the time writing the X-Books.  X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Force, Excalibur and X-Factor.  My favorite book at the time was Generation-X, this was because I was 15, the same age range as the characters in the comic book, plus it was a new comic book so, even though it had some older characters, most of them didn’t have years and years of back story to catch up on.  The fact that these mutants weren’t heroes, they where people trying to live in a world that hates and fears them.  Also at the time one of my all time Max-cross overs came about, Age of Apocalypse, I liked this as for four months is wiped clean the X-Mens history and we saw the cast in an all new light, it also appealed to me as it was about a group of people trying to survive a more hellish world.
The things I have been reading these days are a bit more adult related.  The Boys, about humans that keep supers in check, does not shy away from sex, drugs and violence.  A more tame but still shocking set of graphic novels are Irredeemable and Incorruptible about a super hero and super villain swapping sides.  Imagine Superman getting angry and killing anyone he wants, even entire countries.  (Worth checking out.)   
So how do I fit these elements into my world?  Well my setting is 10 years after the greatest battle of supers happened.  It wiped out most of the major supers, heroes and villains as well as destroying London city.  The world is a different place.  England is in a new dark age and the rest of the world are dealing with a new uprise in people with powers.
My three starter titles will hopefully incorporate the subjects that have kept me reading comic books all these while.
Firstly I have a human dealing with the loss of his wife but has to raise his teenage daughter.  He ends up taking on the mantel of a vigilante who passes on his name over the thousands of years Britain has had humans living there.  The comic book deals with our hero trying to make the streets safe for his family.
Secondly my British team is a bunch of supers who are together to survive a harsh Britain both from other supers, the law and beings from another world.
Lastly, this is the one that is moving forward the most.  I have an artist who is doing a fantastic job at bringing my characters to the drawing board.  This is about a group of International Supers that are bought together to “police” the other supers on the planet.  I have had help to fill the roster with this one and am happy with the diversity of the cast.  So much so I’m already thinking of some spin-off comics either as mini-series or as one shots.
All in all I have already written all three ash-can issues I’m just now looking for two other artists to make my first two comic books come to life.
Thats all for now.

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